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211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
Anthology Pop Ballads The Collection: Slow Dancer/Silk Degrees/Down Two Ultimate Collection Just for the Record Higher Ground You Better Sit Down Kids Beaches/Some People's Lives/Di The Linda Ronstadt Box Set The Columbia Studio Recordings, 1964-1970
Anthology Pop Ballads The Collection:.. Ultimate Collec.. Just for the Re.. Higher Ground You Better Sit .. Beaches/Some Pe.. The Linda Ronst.. The Columbia St..


[ CD ]

・Dusty Springfield
発売日: 1997-09-23
参考価格: 5,151 円(税込)
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 5,402円〜
- 収録曲 -
1. Silver Threads a...
2. Island of Dreams
3. I Only Want to B...
4. Stay Awhile
5. Wishin' and Hopi...
6. Anyone Who Had a...
7. Do Re Mi (Forget...
8. I Just Don't Kno...
9. All Cried Out
10. Guess Who?
11. Live It Up
12. He's Got Somethi...
13. Losing You
14. Your Hurtin' Kin...
15. Now That You're ...
カスタマー平均評価:   0

Pop Ballads

[ CD ]
Pop Ballads

・Various Artists
発売日: 2002-04-08
参考価格: 484 円(税込)
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 6,759円〜
Pop Ballads
Various Artists
カスタマー平均評価:   0

The Collection: Slow Dancer/Silk Degrees/Down Two

[ CD ]
The Collection: Slow Dancer/Silk Degrees/Down Two

・Boz Scaggs
発売日: 1997-08-18
参考価格: 2,574 円(税込)
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 5,313円〜
The Collection: Slow Dancer/Silk Degrees/Down Two
- 収録曲 -
1. You Make It So H...
2. Slow Dancer
3. Angel Lady (Come...
4. There Is Someone...
5. Hercules
6. Pain of Love
7. Sail on White Mo...
8. Let It Happen
9. I Got Your Number
10. Take It for Gran...
カスタマー平均評価:   0

Ultimate Collection

[ CD ]
Ultimate Collection

・Neil Diamond
発売日: 1999-12-21
参考価格: 2,368 円(税込)
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 5,276円〜
Ultimate Collection
- 収録曲 -
1. Sweet Caroline
2. Song Sung Blue
3. Cracklin' Rosie
4. Love on the Rocks
5. Beautiful Noise
6. Forever in Blue ...
7. Hello Again
8. Red, Red Wine
9. Everybody's Talk...
10. Girl, You'll Be ...
11. I'm a Believer
12. Heartlight
13. Up on the Roof
14. Desiree
15. If You Know What...
カスタマー平均評価:   0

Just for the Record

[ CD ]
Just for the Record

・Barbra Streisand
発売日: 1991-10-01
参考価格: 6,196 円(税込)
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 5,330円〜
Just for the Record
Barbra Streisand
カスタマー平均評価:   0

Higher Ground

[ CD ]
Higher Ground

・Barbra Streisand
発売日: 1997-11-11
参考価格: 2,574 円(税込)
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 5,278円〜
Higher Ground
- 収録曲 -
1. I Believe/You'll...
2. Higher Ground
3. At the Same Time
4. Tell Him
5. On Holy Ground
6. If I Could
7. Circle
8. Water Is Wide/De...
9. Leading with You...
10. Lessons to Be Le...
11. Everything Must ...
12. Avinu Malkeinu
カスタマー平均評価:   0

You Better Sit Down Kids

[ CD ]
You Better Sit Down Kids

発売日: 1997-12-23
参考価格: オープン価格
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 5,208円〜
You Better Sit Down Kids
- 収録曲 -
1. You Better Sit D...
2. I Go to Sleep
3. Needles and Pins
4. Like a Rolling S...
5. Young Girl (Une ...
6. Blowin' in the W...
7. I Feel Like Some...
8. Sunny
9. Come and Stay Wi...
10. Bells of Rhymney
11. Our Day Will Come
12. Mama (When My Do...
13. Bang Bang (My Ba...
14. Until It's Time ...
15. It's Not Unusual
カスタマー平均評価:   0

Beaches/Some People

[ CD ]
Beaches/Some People's Lives/Di

・Bette Midler
発売日: 2000-04-11
参考価格: オープン価格
販売価格: 入荷待ち
中古価格: 5,199円〜
Beaches/Some People's Lives/Di
Bette Midler
カスタマー平均評価:   0

The Linda Ronstadt Box Set

[ CD ]
The Linda Ronstadt Box Set

・Linda Ronstadt
発売日: 1999-11-19
参考価格: 7,212 円(税込)
販売価格: 7,847 円(税込)
( 通常1〜3週間以内に発送 )
中古価格: 5,138円〜
The Linda Ronstadt Box Set ※一部大型商品を除く
- 収録曲 -
1. When We Ran
2. Ruler of My Heart
3. Cry 'Til My Tear...
4. We Will Rock You
5. Winter Light
6. Anyone Who Had a...
7. I Just Don't Kno...
8. Don't Talk (Put ...
9. Do What You Gott...
10. Heartbeats Accel...
11. Goodbye My Friend
12. Adios
13. Cry Like a Rains...
14. Trouble Again
15. Easy for You to ...
カスタマー平均評価:   0

The Columbia Studio Recordings, 1964-1970

[ CD ]
The Columbia Studio Recordings, 1964-1970

・Simon & Garfunkel
発売日: 2001-09-10
参考価格: 5,021 円(税込)
販売価格: 5,303 円(税込)
( 一時的に在庫切れですが、商品が入荷次第配送します。配送予定日がわかり次第Eメールにてお知らせします。商品の代金は発送時に請求いたします。 )
中古価格: 5,192円〜
The Columbia Studio Recordings, 1964-1970 ※一部大型商品を除く
- 収録曲 -
1. You Can Tell The...
2. Last Night I Had...
3. Bleecker Street
4. Sparrow
5. Benedictus
6. The Sound Of Sil...
7. He Was My Brother
8. Peggy-O
9. Go Tell It On Th...
10. The Sun Is Burni...
11. The Times They A...
12. Wednesday Mornin...
13. Bleecker Street
14. He Was My Brother
15. The Sun Is Burni...
カスタマー平均評価:  5

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22 / 40

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 Kelly Clarkson


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